by Thomas Irvin


1. I will not rhyme "fire" with "desire".

2. I will not rhyme "only" with "lonely".

3. I will not use any phrase ending with "in your eyes".

4. I will not use rain as a metaphor for tears.

5. I will not use the word "burnin'" in conjunction with the words "love" or "desire".

6. I will not use the phrases "nowhere to run" or "nowhere to hide".

7. I will not use the phrases "when the goin' gets tough" or "nothin's gonna stop us now".

8. I will not write any songs comparing a travelling rock star to a gypsy, troubador, or bard.

9. I will not refer to any woman over the age of 18 as "baby", "girl", or "sweet little missy".

10. I will not write any songs about seeing my dead homies when I get to heaven. and one more for good measure...

11. I will not rhyme "remember" with "September", "November", or "December".


Thomas Irvin
Bailey Lauerman
( 402) 475-2800