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Van Halen III (with fan)
Caryn Anne Bonnemier Silcock
Shane Wells of Milan and David Meister of Warszawa
Memorial Stadium, home of the Cornhuskers
visualize Rod Poole goin' off
I like picking up corn with my friends because we would help each other find corn on the ground. We would go in different rows. I would get alot and I would give one to my friend. We were sharing all our corn with each other. We rode in the
combine together. We each got one piece of corn off the combine. My friend and I now know where Mrs. Lindner lives. She
lives about 5 miles from the corn field. We had a good time at the corn field. It was cold walking back to Mrs. Lindner. Picking
corn is a farmer's job. It takes about 2 months to harvest all their corn. If it rains really bad, it is hard on their crops and animals.
When we walked back my bag broke and some of my corn spilled.

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